A little update about our current work load and how we’re pushing to keep moving.
Where did Too Young to Die go?
Behind the scenes of a momentary movie misadventure. After we wrote Too Young to Die in 2013 we started looking to get the movie made and created a couple of teaser trailers, posters and various other bits and bobs, doing interviews with online magazines and blogs and radio shows and promoting ourselves all we could. …
Onward and upward.
I don’t understand complacency. I don’t understand settling. Content.
I’m never content. Next satisfied. Everything I do is garbage. Just a learning curve, helping make me better for next time. Everything I get, I want more. Everything I do, it’s not enough. I’m always hungry. Always thirsty. Always driven.
Every failure is a hurdle. Not a brick wall. Every success is an inspiration. Not a finish line.