What the hell was that noise? Did you hear it? Wait, just be quiet a minute… … No… Nothing… Never mind… Wh… What’s that smell? Wait a minute… I think it’s me. It… It is me! I think my brain blew a gasket of some nature. Maybe it ran in too many circles, over the …


So many people talk of being depressed So few even know what real depression is Depression is not what you get when you can’t get what you want That’s frustration Depression is not what you get when you can’t get laid That’s loneliness Depression is not what you get when you’re upset about things That’s …


He lives to play He waits to live He plays to keep going Every moment between sessions drags painfully Every second he is not playing, he is losing In gaps between sessions, he bites his nails He sits with the sitters He sings along to the singers He watches the other players He drinks with …


Opening the door, the first thing I notice is the smell. The smell is hard to explain, whereas the visuals are easy, because you can relate to shapes and even sounds so much easier than explaining the intricacies of a single aroma. Initially there was a hint of it, subtle and subdued, timid to the …