
He lives to play He waits to live He plays to keep going Every moment between sessions drags painfully Every second he is not playing, he is losing In gaps between sessions, he bites his nails He sits with the sitters He sings along to the singers He watches the other players He drinks with …

Breathe out

The flame flickers as the wind blows Flailing between light and dark – life and death Struggling to burn to the bottom To fall deep enough into its own crater That the wind can’t threaten it Can’t extinguish what time it has left Wax falls from the sides Sealing it in place Immortalized Plasticinated Unavoidable …

A filing cabinet for widows and young professionals

Sometimes loud sometimes silent speaking in tongues and cheeks unknown yet familiar unrelenting but subdued strangely understanding thoughtful yet suspicious supercilious mulling over life’s great mysteries indulging in the most fleeting of all it’s simplicities communicating truth just to spite the fiction unnerving devotion to cause friction seeking out abnormalities above all else a mind …


Know your enemy. Know his name. Know his family. Know his motives. Know his reasons. Know his strengths. Know his weaknesses. Know his moves before he makes them. Know where to strike. Know you are more important. Strike first.